Thursday, November 20, 2008

Freeze Dried Ice Cream

I left a case of Mountain House Freeze Dried Ice Cream at the chamber of commerce, and someone who tried it gave the following feedback:
"My mind was a bit boggled by the idea of ice cream, ready-to-eat out of a sealed package, but I gave the Mountain House freeze dried Neapolitan Ice Cream a try. My taste buds are now all the happier for it! It looks and handles just like the chocolate/vanilla/strawberry ice cream I remember as a kid, but without the messy melting. And it tastes just like that fondly remembered sweet'n'smooth mouthful, except you get to eat it in bites, instead of licks. What a great way to enjoy an ice cream treat, without having to pack a refrigerator/freezer and a really, really long extension cord."
Curtis Wright
Corvallis, OR

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