Thursday, December 3, 2009


Red CERT Hard hats? I thought that CERT hard hats were supposed to be Lime or Green?? Well, it ends up that some CERT teams prefer red hard hats, and others have the team leaders in red hard hats. If you think about it, how many "civilians" recognize green as an an emergency responder color? We are all trained to recognize red. Firefighters all have red helmets. EMTs often have red caps. Fire trucks are red. Ambulances are red. I am sure you can think of more examples. And, the idea of having the team leaders with a different color hard hat than the rest of the team makes a lot of sense. In a real disaster, chaos reigns supreme. With everyone milling about trying to help, how do the teams find their leaders and get organized. Flashing lights help, but a red hard hat on the team leaders also will help make them stand out. But, does anyone actually sell RED CERT hard hats? It ends up that you can get them at a discount price here: RED CERT HARD HAT

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